Adult Ministry @ Andice

The Ruth Class

The Ruth Class is the name of the Women’s Sunday School class that meets at Andice. This class is led by Jeanne Wright and Connie Kanetzky! The Ruth class has several gatherings throughout the month in addition to Sunday mornings - but if you are looking for a great place to connect with some amazing ladies, come and check them out, Sundays at 9:45am

Adult Sunday School - Harold Chapman

Harold Chapman leads a Sunday School class for adults each Sunday morning at 9:45am. This group grows in God’s Word together and is a great place to be if you are looking for a place to deepen and strengthen your faith.

Adult Sunday School - Steve Stripling

If you have heard the sound of laughter coming down the hall - it’s probably from Steve’s Sunday School Class! Steve teaches classes both on Sunday mornings at 9:45am and on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm. Come and engage with a diverse crowd of Jesus followers for fellowship, encouragement, and meaningful biblical understanding.

Young Adults Sunday School

Trey and Briana Chapman lead a group of young adults in study, discipleship, and discussion. Whether you are in college, or have already started a career come and join a great group of Christians who seek to study God’s Word and see how it impacts their day to day life.